Adventures of a girl who purls

Watch me knit and purl and knit and purl and sometimes even spin!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It Was Inevitable...aka...The End is Near!

Christmas knitting...everyone loves it everyone loathes it. It's a necessary evil. I have some...not too much....but some. A plan in my head. Now what to do when your asked to put it down on paper...PANIC. The sad fact of Christmas knitting (I'm glad we don't really celebrate Hanukkah...I would have been sooo screwed soo long ago it ain't even funny) is that you can't blog it. It's all a secret...I can talk about the Mobius scarfs for a couple aunts...cause they barely have touch tone phones...but the other ones...way too techy. You just have to wait for something to happen to your knitting worth talking about to blog about it. And I don't really want a "something" to happen to my knitting. The two year old pulled out a chunk of stitches on a project the other day and still can't really talk about it. The only good something would be waking up to a neck high pile of wonderful luxurious yarn to cuddle and dream to my hearts content or a pack of elves to finish (and start) it all for me. They are even welcome to make some stuff for the people that I haven't figured out if/what I'm knitting. And that darn str sock keeps calling me...I'm going to have to tie up and gag that thing before I'm way too far behind for even Boxing Day! So because of all the Christmas secrets you get....Photo-0516.jpg


This...Photo-0519.jpg I know...looks like yarn....a skein at that...did I mention the other skeins are still at the store.

And this....Photo-0517.jpg Yeah...I know looks alot like roving...told ya I'm screwed!

So basically Christmas knitting list in my fantasy land head....managable.....on year remind me just to keep it in my head...oh yeah...and knit faster and hide the sock yarn....and.....


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