Adventures of a girl who purls

Watch me knit and purl and knit and purl and sometimes even spin!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A few pictures

Just a few pictures becuse I'm way too tired from this week to type anyting coherent!

The new (or not so new) baby. Louet S51DT.

This is what I'm currently spinning. Ashland bay merino - very fun and the colors are really neat to watch develop in your hand.

This is my first hand spun on my new wheel. Mystery fiber...yep that's all I quite a mystery to everyone. The picture came our really dark and maybe if the clouds around here ever break I'll take a brighter picture.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Let's Start the New Year Right!

Okay so yes I do know it's actually not the first day of the new year....but as with everything...intentions, intentions. It started out on New Year's Day (or was it eve) thinking that I really need to get back to this blog (it the thought that counts right?). Then I started thinking about how to get more knitting done in the new year. Now mind you...I'm thinking of all of this in the hot tub and not while I was doing any actual knitting nor spinning merely thinking about knitting and spinning (more on spinning later). I started thinking....well if Stephanie Pearl-McPhee can do a sock a day (and yes I think of her many times a day...don't you? It's the knitters version of wwjd...i.e. there must be some humor in all this crazy crap that keeps happening to me)...why not me...why am I the sock a month gal (but yet I knit every day...must have something to do with monogamy!) Then it stuck me...I'm sure she's not sitting on this fine day in the hot tub she's probably knitting! I'm just choosing activities that are not really yarn friendly...we all know...wool and hot churning water do not mix! Then there is that whole sleep thing....have to figure out a way to get around that one. Then I started thinking that spinning is getting in the way of my knitting time. At that point I thought the water might be a little too hot and maybe I'd been in a little too long.

Now with all the Christmas knitting done I can finally divulge what I have been knitting. Yes I know it's not like I've been posting all this time and keeping it all from you....really I didn't post because I didn't think I could trust myself not to tell...yeah that's it! Well for Christmas I made my sister a tank top, my nieces each got sweaters with furry colors, my brother-in-law felted slippers, my other brother-in-law and sister-in-law a blanket knit on needles so large I'm not sure they can be called needles, and my husband's great-aunt slippers from her mother's pattern (if you could call it that). So on to the pictures of all these gifts

.....oh yeah that's right...I didn't take a single one! I'm good huh? So maybe if any of the recipients are so moved (except for aunt carol who has neither a camera nor Internet access) I would love some pictures of the lovely knitted things you all got for Christmas. Since I got nothing knitted (or even knit realated) from anyone (except my lovely sister...very cool needles and yes they can be called that (barely)) I'll just have to look at all of yours!

Currently since I'm a month a sock gal...the sock of the month (going on 2...that's months not socks) I hope to have these done soon and maybe make a couple kids sock since they have been begging.