Adventures of a girl who purls

Watch me knit and purl and knit and purl and sometimes even spin!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Blog Fall Down and Can't Get Up

Poor Poor lonely blog. I'm sorry I have left you to hang there in cyberspace all by your lonesome. At least you had wooley pictures to keep you warm. I don't have internet access at home so I really only get on every once in a while...and I'm sorry blog...but I don't think of you. I know...bad blog mommy. I'd likely ignore my kids the same way if they weren't so insistent. I have knitting pictures...tho not really so good ones...but forgive me.

2009-06-25 15.28.38.jpg

2009-06-25 15.24.24-1.jpg


PART_1231809618691.jpeg Bella Mittens




PART_1228489678201.jpeg Dumpling Bag